We are in the chapel of Saint Joseph. Presiding over a Baroque altarpiece from the 18th century, we can see the polychrome carving of Saint Joseph; It is the work of the sculptor Mateo Juan. The Saint and the Child Jesus carry silver crowns that were blessed on September 30, 1905; before they wore wooden crowns. In 1906 the Saint's lily rod was released and in 1907, the sphere with the Cross carried by the Child. All the silver is the work of silversmith José Forteza-Rey.
In the upper part of the set we find a shield that shows us some carpenter's tools that allude to the trade of the father of Jesus, also the work of Miquel Arcas. Before, there was a shield with a crossbow in reference to the patron saints of this chapel, which was the Ballester family from the Port.
It is worth looking at the reliefs on the side walls of the chapel. On the left we find a relief of Saint Apollonia carrying a stone in her hand and standing over a fire. All are allusions to her martyrdom. On the right wall we can see the relief of Saint Margaret stepping on a dragon that represents the evil one.
In the upper part of the reliefs of Saint Apollonia and Saint Margaret we find other reliefs that represent the different tools used by carpenters.