The image of Saint Anthony the Abbot presides over the 18th century altarpiece. It is a polychrome wood carving by the sculptor Guillem Galmés Socias. In his right hand he carries a crook with a bell and in his left hand he carries an open book. On his chest he wears the well-known cross of Saint Anthony or tau cross. Although the cross is older, the Antonian congregation of monks adopted it to wear in the habit.
On the right side of the chapel holder we can see a painting that represents Saint Francis of Paola carrying the Child Jesus.
To the left of the image of Saint Anthony the Abbot, with decoration identical to that on the other side, you can see the painting of Saint Francis of Assissi who, dressed in the Franciscan habit, contemplates a cross and angels can be seen on the upper part.
On the niche of Saint Anthony the Abbot, in the second body of the altarpiece, we can see the painting of the Virgin of Mercy who, with her outstretched mantle, protects all who invoke her. They are under her cloak.
On the left wall of the chapel we find a painting of the Descent and on the right wall another painting, of the same shape and dimensions, represents Jesus at the column and whipped.